
Hiya. My name is Abby. I'm a whole slew of things including student, writer,video creator, thinker, believer, Disney fanatic, coffee addict, fox enthusiast, etc. I'm currently kickin' it in the 412 - #homegrown. Born and raised by two incredible yinzers, I define myself by this hard-working, sports crazed, beer thirsty city. 

I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in December 2015, a semester early... by accident. Graduating with a Digital Media degree, a mind full of hopes and dreams, an unsure path in life, and not a penny to achieve said dreams, I started grad school. Because, why not? I'm a student at Chatham University studying Film & Digital Technology. But I don't want to be a filmmaker. Crazy, I know.

I come from a theater background and an only child background. So, I'm a loud, dramatic, critically self-deprecating ball of fun! 

I don't know what to do with my life. That's why I blog. I just shout at the Internet until someone is like, "hey, okay. I hear you. Come work for me, small girl." And I'm like, "Okay, cool." Or at least I think that's how employment works.

Speaking of employment...
I'm a content creator for WTAE's (the ABC affiliate in Pittsburgh) online lifestyle and entertainment channel. Basically, I make videos about Pittsburgh with some other peeps and then I get paid. For real. Like, what a gig, right? If you couldn't tell, I'm a crazy Pittsburgh fan girl. Shock!

I like to write and talk and Tweet and use gifs to express my emotions.

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet.

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