Thursday, January 29, 2015

Finally Adjusting!

There are moments where I have this unnerving wave of, “Oh my god, I’m in LONDON” and everything crashes over me at once. Today I had one of those moments. I was riding the tube in alone to class and sitting there alone, listening to music, watching people hurry on and off, I felt like I was far away. With my phone, I feel tethered to my real life back at home. But, for some reason, I had this surge of the reality of the distance and time. I’m really far away. Like, really far away. I’m here for a long time.*

I’m getting better, though! I feel a lot more confident. I have a system and structure. I’m exploring a lot of this city, both on my own time, but also with classes on field excursions.

I’m realizing I’ve set my standards high. I’ve been obsessed with London for as long as I can honestly remember. Absolutely enthralled with the culture, the people, the longed ambiance… and I’m realizing it’s really not all that. Now, it could be I just haven’t fully immersed myself in this city… or 8-year-old Abby was looking at a canted angle.

London is one of the most romanticized cities in the world. It’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking, it’s unbelievable… but so is Pittsburgh. I’ve learned the value of home after being here. I want American food. I’m a picky eater… way pickier than I thought. And it’s not me being materialistic, which I think is how it’s coming across to a lot of people… I just want mac and cheese, man. And sandwiches without mayo. Or tomatoes. Or tuna. Sure, I’m clumping “food” with, like, Sainsbury’s and Tesco take away **. But… I don’t know. I wish I were more adventurous with food. But, I wish I realized how much I loved home before I came here.

But maybe that’s good. Maybe it’s good that I realized I love being near my family and I need to be close. I love talking to my mom multiple times a day. Honestly… I love being American. I don’t know where this overwhelming pride of being an American came from but here we are. I love the States… 15-year-old me is gagging.

I’ve been to many cool places! Bath… Stonehenge… Camden… Shoreditch… I’m happy our program implements both many weekend excursions, but also in-class ones.

I’m finally getting into the swing of London… we’re finding out how to save money… where to go…  how to relax but also do a lot. I didn’t realize how overwhelming it is to study abroad. There’s several times a week where I’m like, “WHAT did I get myself INTO?”

I’ve actually learned several things about myself. The list as follows:

1. Pittsburgh is a dope (translation for old folks: cool) city. I love you, Pittsburgh.
2. I am very clingy to my parents. I’m basically a baby monkey hanging from my mother’s neck. This is fact.
3. I’m really bad at crossing streets. I may have almost been hit by double decker busses multiple times… sorry, mom and dad… but pedestrians don’t have the right of way here and I go to school in Oakland where we RUN those streets, am I right ladies!
4. I love mac and cheese.
5. I love the city… but maybe not constantly being in the city. I need a nice tree or bird chirp or sliver of grass here and there to stay sane and not have the constant paranoia I am in the way of a really expensive looking businessman or a car.
6. Constant social interaction is not ideal. Maybe I’m not as extroverted as I thought.
7. I’m obsessed with my phone… but I definitely already knew this about myself.

I hope none of this comes off as ungrateful or whiny or annoying or whatever. Hey, you clicked the link! I am so beyond grateful that my parents are able to give me the opportunities I have had and continue to have. I don’t regret coming here in the slightest. But there are bits and pieces that haven’t fully slotted together and meshed with the rest of me yet.

But! Luckily the parentals will be dropping in to good ‘ol Londontown in a month’s time (hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I also found a store today called… wait for it… THE AMERICAN FOOD STORE and I spent way too much money on two boxes of Annie’s mac and cheese, but HOLY HELL, was I craving it.

I’m meeting a lot of cool people and doing a lot of cool things so! London’s pretty cool.

I’m leaving for PARIS tomorrow morning… yeah…. Paris. How cool?!

But just wanted to let everyone know I’m adjusting (and not crying as much, lol) and also I’m alive and also I’m having fun and also still love over-sharing about my life!!

Okay, I want a Walker’s cookie right now (shortbread, buttery sliver of HEAVEN)

Bye for now!



* far and long relative
** American translation: Giant Eagle pre-made sandwiches

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